Biodegradable alternative to conventional chemical water treatment
We pay constant attention to the impact that our products have on humans and environment.
According to European toxicity tests, FINEAMIN® products can be safely used in facilities for food preparation (beer factories, bread factories, sugar refineries etc.) or hospitals where the steam purity needs to be high..
Fineamin 39F is a NSF-accredited product for use in industrial boilers where steam goes into contact with food.
The FINEAMIN product range is based on surface-active, up to 80% biodegradable amines mixtures, including various combinations of alkalizing amines, hydrophobic layer forming polyamines, polymers and dispersing polyacrylates that have no hazardous decomposition products.
We offer eco-friendly, biodegradable boiler water treatment solutions. Easy to handle and store. Non-toxic, non-hazardous for water and environment.