Boiling out for new & old boilers
FINEAMIN® products represent a greener alternative, but with the same metal passivation properties, to the conventional boiler boiling out procedure using caustic soda, sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate. The boiler water is strongly alkalized in such way that the manufacturing residues, grease, shavings, loose tinder and dirt and/or other impurities (e.g.: iron oxides) are removed from the metal surface while slowing down any corrosive reactions.
But compared to traditionally used products, the effect of the alkalizing amines found in FINEAMIN® water treatment chemicals are highly improved by a strong dispersing effect on the impurities due to the additional content of polymers. All dispersed impurities can easily be removed from the boiler by blowdown.
Furthermore, the most important characteristic of FINEAMIN®, alkali boil out chemical mixture, is the formation of the protective polyamine layer on all surfaces inside the boiler during boiling out. This protective layer enables corrosion prevention for the whole period between boiler boil out procedure and its normal operation start-up.

- Stronger cleaning effect boiler boil out procedure due to the combination of surface active polyamines and dispersing polymers.
- Can be done simultaneously with the drying of the brickwork.
- No more risky boil out chemicals (e.g.: caustic soda) that could endanger the plant.
- Easy handling. No special protection equipment needed (just the usual googles and gloves).
- Helps in reaching steam purity faster due to shorter blowout procedure.
- OEM-compliant, respecting specifications of boilers & turbines manufacturers.
- Film-forming capacities of the polyamines, that improve the quality of the magnetite layer during alkaline boil out.
- Has less impact on the environment on disposal. Up to 80% biodegradable.
- Involves no special regulations for products storage.
The boiling out procedure
- mouse over to zoom for details

Download Full Instructions For Boiling out with FINEAMIN 15
For precise instructions and dosage on boiling out and blow out using film-forming polyamines, please download the following pdf: boiler boiling out using film-forming amines procedure.